Services Offered

Transformational Healing Sessions

These sessions are deeply relaxing on all levels. They offer healing from an infinite field of unconditional love and compassion and are safe for everyone. 

Each session delivers precisely what you require at this moment in time, seeking to realise the highest possible level of comfort, functioning and balance of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Among many other benefits, energy work supports your body’s innate capacity to heal itself which is especially important when you are exposed to stress, anxiety or trauma.

Restoring energy patterns at the route cause of an issue also enables lasting improvement. of your well-being. You will notice positive changes at the end of the session and in the weeks after as the renewed energy integrates on all aspects of your being. 

Sessions are Offered:

  • At Wellness New Zealand, 17 Collingwood Street, Nelson

  • At Home or in Hospital

  • Remotely

See Below for Session Times and Availability

60 mins - $110 

75 mins - $129

Animal Healing Session

Animals are part of our family and often we love and care for them just as much as we would for our human family members. In return they give us love, happiness, comfort, and even peace in our lives. So, when they suffer or struggle we naturally want to support and help them.

For this safe and gentle therapy I create a beautiful meditative space before connecting with the heart and being of your animal. Healing can then flow freely to them and, whilst in a deeply relaxed state, all of their systems relax as well and can return to function optimally. This also includes their immune system.

Consider these sessions especially for animals who are stressed, anxious or grieving, for those needing extra support and healing post surgery or trauma, for older animals and those nearing death. They will cope better, recover quicker, and be more at ease in themselves.

Sessions are Offered Remotely to prevent additional stress.

  • Small and Medium Size Animal Companions:

30 mins - $50 

  • For Large/r Animal Companions: Please send me a message with details about the animal for a quote.

If you face financial hardship please let me know. I don't want you to experience even more stress by feeling that your animal companion is missing out. 

Session Times and Availability

Transformational Healing Session

Therapy Room Availability:

  • Friday: 9:30 -  17:00h

  • Saturday: 10:00h - 16:00h 

Home/Hospital/Remote Availability:

  • Flexible Days and Hours.

    Please Enquire.

Shorter Sessions in Person or Remote:

These may be available for specific concerns, i.e. pre or post surgery, acute distress, prior to making important decisions, before going into challenging meetings, etc.                 

  • Flexible Days and Hours,

    Please Enquire. 

Animal Healing Session

Remote Session Availability:

  • Flexible Days and Hours.

    Please Enquire. 

Have Any Further Questions?


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